Interreg South Baltic Annual Event 2021
The INCONE60 project participated in the #AnnualEvent2021 actively.
On the 20th of October at 10 am CET, over 110 participants from Poland, Lithuania, Germany, Denmark, and Sweden – project partners, beneficiaries, representatives of local and regional authorities, representatives of non-governmental institutions (NGO), as well as the European Commission DG Regio, joined the virtual Annual Event 2021 to talk about the future of the South Baltic Programme and about taking the results achieved by its projects to a higher level.
The following part of the event consisted of two segments. In the first, two project representatives, Monika Klein, from the Media Dizajn Association in Szczecin, Poland and the South Baltic Creative Clusters project and David Appelberg from the Blue Science Park in Karlskrona, Sweden and the SECMAR – Secure Digitalisation for Sustainable Maritime Transport project, interviewed the Programme representatives.
In the second segment of the event, all participants moved to preselected breakout rooms.
In room no 2, the discussion focused on project results taken beyond project levels. Antanas Sabanas, the Project Officer responsible for the SME internationalisation and innovation capacity projects, presented Interreg funds' levels compared to other, much bigger funding instruments, such as structural funds or Horizon 2020. He encouraged beneficiaries to ask themselves questions about how attractive their projects are for certain institutions, what experience they can offer, how can they upgrade their projects, e.g., by starting cooperation with bigger institutions and making a bigger impact on not only the Programme area but in the whole of Europe. Two project representatives: Jolanta Mrozek, SEAPLANSPACE and Rafał Koba, INCONE60, have confirmed with their experience and concrete examples that stepping beyond the project and the Programme areas can boost the development of a project. INCONE60 established relations with projects from other Programmes (e.g. DUAL Ports - Developing Low carbon Utilities, the North Sea Region Programme) and with many other institutions, such as the Polish Embassy in Copenhagen and the General Government of Flanders, as well as others.